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Asset-Backed Solutions: Liquidity Today, Dream Tomorrow

Our tech stack provides real time underwriting for over 60 global markets

Pioneering a Sustainable Future in Corporate Finance

At Liqueous, our commitment to sustainability drives us to create lasting positive change through strategic relationships with public issuers in the micro, small, and mid-market sectors.

We recognize that microcap liquidity and access to growth capital have undergone significant transformations over the past year. At Liqueous, we offer a comprehensive solution that encompasses proprietary software analysis and hands-on consulting.

We devote countless hours to laying a solid foundation for our partner public issuers, ensuring their businesses are built on financeable terms that will not hinder their future success.

Bespoke Liquidity Experts

Review our range of Liquidity Options:

6 months - 36 months liquidity solution designed to access liquidity in non-marginable securities while maintaining beneficial ownership during the term period.

Safeguard your core position with our private block purchase service designed to mitigate information leakage while providing instant liquidity.

Our fund offers bespoke equity lines of credit expertly crafted to finance publicly traded companies through registration statements.

Embrace the full spectrum of financial possibilities with our diverse range of tailored solutions - From venture debt and equity investments to toxic debt refinancing.

Get Started Simple & Securely

At Liqueous, we believe in empowering our clients with the financial flexibility they need to achieve their goals. Whether you’re looking to invest in a new business venture, purchase a property, or cover unexpected expenses, our Asset-Backed Solutions can help you get the funds you need, fast.

Flexible Terms and Individualized Service

Making asset-backed liquidity work for you, not against you.

Our terms range between 6 months to 36 months. We’re committed to giving our clients the most flexible structures on the street.

Our rates are highly competitive compared to conventional margin or bank loans. In addition, we have various interest payment options.

All of our terms are determined by our proprietary system(Liqueous IQ) LIQ examines various metrics surrounding the publicly listed company including a quantitative analysis on it’s peer group to identify correlation opportunities that can be utilized to hedge the portfolio.

Our Services

Review our range of Liquidity Options:

Join us on a transformative journey towards a sustainable future in corporate finance. At Liqueous, we blend expertise, technology, and innovation to redefine the industry. Experience the power of our Multi-Strategy fund and unlock new growth opportunities.
BORRO by Liqueous

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Equity Lines of Credit

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Private Block Purchase

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Financial Solutions

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